Se fue. El muy cabrón se fue. Sin una gran ovación ni un adiós entre signos de exclamación. Sin grandes fastos ni necrológicas en letras mayúsculas. Unos cuantos le recordaron durante unos días, otros tantos le rindieron homenaje sobre los escenarios. Esos mismos que el norteamericano había abandonado años atrás, cansado de luchar contra sí mismo, contra esa botella culpable e irrenunciable.
Jason Molina era alcohólico. Todos los
sabían, pero la mayoría prefería mirar para otro lado. Como si
viniera con el oficio. Como si una persona alegre y libre no pudiera
escribir esas canciones pesadas y melancólicas. Y sí, los que le
conocían sabían que el de Ohio podía sonreír. Claro que siempre
fueron pocos los que le conocieron de verdad. Sus reservas, sus
remordimientos siempre ejercieron de telón de fondo. Quizás por
ello, y tirando de tópicos, el artista se refugió en su música.
Esa que capaz de extenderse sobre una llanura virgen o cabalgar a
ritmo trotón sobre las caderas de su guitarra.
The whole place is dark
Every light on this side of the town
Suddenly it all went down
Now we'll all be brothers of
The fossil fire of the sun
Now we will all be sisters of
The fossil blood of the moon
Someone must have set 'em up
Now they'll be working in the cold, grey rock
Now they'll be working in the hot mill steam
Now they'll be working in the concrete
In the sirens and the silences now
All the great, set-up hearts
All at once, start to beat
After tonight, if you don't want this to be
A secret out of the past
I will resurrect it
I'll have a good go at it
I'll streak his blood across my beak
Dust my feathers with his ash
Feel his ghost breathing down my back
I will try
And know whatever I try
I will be gone, but not forever
The real truth about it is
No one gets it right
The real truth about it is
We're all supposed to try
There ain't no end to the sands I been trying to cross
The real truth about it is
My kind of life's no better off
If it's got the map, or if it's lost
We will try
And know whatever we try
We will be gone, but not forever
Come on, let's try
And know whatever we try
We will be gone, but not forever
The real truth about it is
There ain't no end to the desert I'll cross
I've really known it all along
Mama, here comes midnight with the dead moon in its jaws
Must be the big star about to fall
Long, dark blues
The will-o'-the-wisp
Long, dark blues
The big star is falling
Long, dark blues
Through the static and distance
Long, dark blues
A farewell transmission
Long, dark blues
Every light on this side of the town
Suddenly it all went down
Now we'll all be brothers of
The fossil fire of the sun
Now we will all be sisters of
The fossil blood of the moon
Someone must have set 'em up
Now they'll be working in the cold, grey rock
Now they'll be working in the hot mill steam
Now they'll be working in the concrete
In the sirens and the silences now
All the great, set-up hearts
All at once, start to beat
After tonight, if you don't want this to be
A secret out of the past
I will resurrect it
I'll have a good go at it
I'll streak his blood across my beak
Dust my feathers with his ash
Feel his ghost breathing down my back
I will try
And know whatever I try
I will be gone, but not forever
The real truth about it is
No one gets it right
The real truth about it is
We're all supposed to try
There ain't no end to the sands I been trying to cross
The real truth about it is
My kind of life's no better off
If it's got the map, or if it's lost
We will try
And know whatever we try
We will be gone, but not forever
Come on, let's try
And know whatever we try
We will be gone, but not forever
The real truth about it is
There ain't no end to the desert I'll cross
I've really known it all along
Mama, here comes midnight with the dead moon in its jaws
Must be the big star about to fall
Long, dark blues
The will-o'-the-wisp
Long, dark blues
The big star is falling
Long, dark blues
Through the static and distance
Long, dark blues
A farewell transmission
Long, dark blues
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